Applying for the next board

Dear visitor,

Equilibrium is once again looking for members for the 19th board of Equilibrium! Are you interested in doing a board year next academic year ('23-'24) and experiencing the most fun year of your life? Then read on in this email to find out what a board year entails and how you can get more information.

The board is the steering body of the association that tries to represent the interests of the association. Before you are officially inaugurated as a board member at the final general members meeting (ALV), you, together with the rest of the aspiring board, draw up a document with joint and function-related goals so that the association already has an idea of what you want to achieve next year. This will then be presented at the final ALV. At the beginning of the year, you and the rest of the board draw up a policy plan. This plan sets out joint goals and function-related goals. During the board year, the board will try to achieve these goals. In addition to fulfilling their tasks and achieving the goals, it is also important that the board has an accessible and active attitude within the study association. It is important that the board is involved in the activities organized by the committees.

The board meets once a week to keep each other well informed of what everyone is doing and what the current state of affairs is. This is important so that they can work well together. Through general members' meetings (ALVs), the board informs the rest of the association about these affairs. During these ALVs, voting or authorized members can vote on important decisions concerning the study association.

There are five positions within the board of the Equilibrium study association.

The Chairman is responsible for drawing up the policy plan. In addition, it is important that the chairman ensures that tasks are performed well and on time, and that the policy plan is adhered to. The Chairman also chairs the weekly board meetings and the ALVs. The Chairman prepares these meetings by creating an agenda.

The Secretary is responsible for all administrative tasks of the association. This includes, among other things, taking minutes of the weekly meetings and general members' meetings. It is also the secretary's job to maintain the membership database and to send emails on behalf of the entire board to all members.

The Treasurer is responsible for all finances of the association. The Treasurer collects the membership fees and other funds. The Treasurer also keeps a digital accounting system in which all incoming and outgoing funds are recorded. The Treasurer also supports all other treasurers of the study association. In addition, the Treasurer will set the financial policy in the annual budget. This will be presented at the first ALV and submitted for approval to the ALV.

The Internal Commissioner is responsible for the committees within the study association. These include the introduction committee, the EQUITIMES, the internationalization committee, the study-related committee, the activities committee, the party committee, and Equi's Adventure. The Internal Commissioner will always be aware of the committees by maintaining contact with the chairpersons. By receiving the minutes and reading them, the Internal Commissioner informs the board of the state of affairs within the committees.

The External Commissioner is responsible for creating and maintaining all external contacts of Equilibrium. The External Commissioner will, among other things, review sponsor contracts throughout the year. These contracts are improved and/or extended where necessary. In addition, the External Commissioner will be involved in finding new sponsors and adhering to agreements made with current sponsors. The External Commissioner also ensures that members of Equilibrium can benefit optimally from what a sponsor has to offer.

So are you ready to further develop yourself, would you like to contribute more to the association, gain a lot of social contacts, lead the most fun study association in Groningen in a fun team, and have a super cool year? Then a board year might be for you.

If you are unsure about becoming a board member, unsure about which position you would enjoy the most, or have other questions about becoming part of the new board of study association Equilibrium, feel free to ask by emailing us, so we can plan a conversation. You can email us at:

For the position of chair:

For the position of secretary:

For the position of treasurer:

For the position of internal commissioner:

For the position of external commissioner:

For general questions:

With love,

The eighteenth board